by fraser | Feb 16, 2015 | Other Events
The following 2 meetings, happening consecutively, are all about developing our sport in the North of Scotland. Anyone can attend – but if you’d like to attend as a club representative,or would like more information let Susan Guest know. NOSCA EGM Sunday 1 March 2015, 14:00, Culloden Academy There are only two items on the agenda as follows and this is the only business that will be discussed: 1. Transfer of funds from NoSCA to Scottish Cycling North (SCN) 2. Termination of NoSCA. Immediately following the NoSCA EGM there will be SCN AGM to elect the committee. SCN will then be responsible for the development of all cycling disciplines within the North Region (Highlands and Islands). Scottish Cycling North AGM Sunday 1st March 2015, following NoSCA EGM, Culloden Academy The purpose of the meeting will be to adopt the terms of reference, discuss the development plan and formally elect members onto the new development group. There will be a short presentation from Scottish Cycling Head of Development Vicky Strange. Election of Regional Development Group Up to 8 club representatives (max 2 per club) will be voted on during an open club meeting on the 1st of March 2015. Up to 3 members will be appointed to represent sportScotland and the local authorities. The committee members will serve for two...
by fraser | Jan 2, 2015 | Other Events
After November’s successful training day another Road Race Training session has been organised for Sunday 18th January 2015 at the Kinloss army base. You will need to sign up in advance via EventBrite. Please provide details of your race...
by fraser | Nov 11, 2014 | Other Events
Road Training Session Kinloss Airbase Sunday 30th November 10am We have got our first planned road training session lined up for the last Sunday of the month (30th November 2014) in the airbase at Kinloss. The airbase has a 5.1 mile outer perimeter tarred road and other smaller multiple options inside the grounds also. This is open to kids aged 12+ & adults. My plan is to split into groups of similar ability and do some group drills for the first session. Hope we can get some decent numbers for the day as the facility is excellent and we do hope to run further sessions if the demand is there in the near future. Thank you Kenny Riddle Security Clearance With it being a military base security is required, anyone interested in going shall have to register interest on the online registration by no later than 12noon 20th November as the base requires a full list of names in full including DOB. On the day photographic ID such as passport or a photocopy off it or driving licence etc. The first session will be a bit slower getting through security with the process of ID issuing happening. Registration Spaces are limited and riders must sign up via the eventbrite link by 12noon on the 20th of November:...